Since ancient times, representatives of the stronger half of humanity have wondered about increasing the size of the penis. A wide variety of recipes and techniques were used. Some of them have reached us; they continue to be used by men all over the world. Some of them are truly effective, while others do not bring any effect, being based on myths and lack of scientific knowledge. In addition, some folk methods of penis enlargement are considered dangerous and can cause serious harm to health.
You can find out which folk methods of penis enlargement really work, and which are dummies and can only do harm, in this article.
Traditional methods
We’ll talk about effective methods that won’t require a lot of time to use—the main thing is to have all the necessary ingredients on hand.

Herbal infusions and infusions
- Ephedra infusion with peppermint. For this recipe you will need ephedra tincture, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy, and peppermint - dried or fresh. Pour one tablespoon of these ingredients into a glass of boiling water, let it brew for an hour, and then strain. The resulting mixture has tonic and stimulating properties. Monitor the dosage carefully to avoid getting the opposite effect.
- Tincture of motherwort and valerian. One teaspoon of each substance must be mixed with a glass of boiling water. This mixture will help strengthen the nervous system and help cope with stress.
- Hop decoction. This remedy can be taken either orally or used for baths - such a decoction will perfectly relax the muscles after doing exercises to enlarge the penis and help the tissues of the organ to recover.
- Infusions of calendula and yarrowwhen used externally, they will help soothe tissue and accelerate skin regeneration. In this recipe, 2 tablespoons of tincture must be diluted in half a liter of boiling water and the mixture must be cooled.
- Golden root or penny. This natural remedy is perfect for strengthening erections and increasing libido levels. One tablespoon of kopeck must be dissolved in a liter of boiling water and left overnight. You need to take it once a day in the amount of half a glass before meals.
- Blooming Sally. This tasty and healthy drink is an excellent substitute for the usual black tea and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to drink at least one cup of this herbal tea per day.
We strongly recommend not to overdo the use of herbal infusions that help increase potency - as a side effect, there is a risk of encountering priapism, that is, a prolonged and unwanted erection that is not associated with the process of arousal. This can lead to sexual dysfunction in the future.

We also want to warn you against other folk recipes:
- Ginseng infusion. This tonic and erection-strengthening folk remedy is recommended for use by older men - in other cases, there is a risk of chronic insomnia and high blood pressure.
- Chamomile decoctionlong-term use may cause chronic fatigue; in addition, it does not work with increased acidity of gastric juice.

In general, we can say that herbal infusions and decoctions are a good support when using other methods of penis enlargement - for example, physical exercise.
Soda with honey
Another popular recipe for penis enlargement, which allows you to dramatically increase blood flow to the genital organ, and also has the ability to relieve pain and improve the condition of blood vessels.

The recipe is as follows:
- Soda and honey must be mixed in a ratio of 1: 2;
- Apply the resulting mixture onto, for example, a bandage or gauze bandage and apply to the phallus;
- Next, you need to put a plastic bag on the penis and secure it with tape or adhesive tape;
- This compress must be left for 10 minutes, after which the mixture must be washed off.
It is advisable to carry out this procedure before bedtime; the course consists of seven such complexes.
Take precautions: baking soda should not be left on the skin for too long, otherwise it may cause irritation and damage to the skin. In addition, before applying such a compress, it is advisable to conduct a sensitivity test: the prepared mixture of soda and honey must be applied to the inside of the elbow and wait about half an hour. If during this time the skin does not turn red or experience any irritation, then the procedure for applying a compress can be carried out. Also, do not forget that honey is one of the most allergenic components - in case of intolerance to honey and honey-containing products, we recommend that you avoid this recipe.
Apitoxin therapy

We are talking about poison obtained from bee stings. It is believed that the venom of these insects has a powerful tonic and vasodilating effect, and also helps reduce bad cholesterol and increases hemoglobin levels in the body.
The main component of bee venom, which promotes vasodilation and increased blood flow to the penis, is called melittin.
Of course, this method has many contraindications for use, as well as possible side effects, not to mention difficulties in implementation. However, in addition to the bee venom itself, other beekeeping products consumed internally also have a beneficial effect in enlarging the penis and improving the health of the male body. Among them are:
- Perga- plant pollen collected by a honey bee and placed in a honeycomb; is a protein food for bees. Contains the maximum amount of amino acids, fatty acids, arginine and vitamins E, D, P and C, which are essential for those who seek to increase the size of the penis.
- Royal jelly— allows you to normalize metabolism, has bactericidal properties, contains amino acids necessary for the body, vitamins B1, B12; improves blood circulation in the genital area and accelerates penis growth.
- Dead bees- consists of such components that are useful for the male body as: drone jelly, bee venom, wax, honey, pollen, propolis and chitosan in a low-molecular formula. Ointments and other preparations based on this substance can restore sexual function and get rid of problems with the prostate gland. Dead bees are also an excellent prophylactic for men.
In general, with regard to beekeeping products, we do not recommend using the apitoxin therapy technique to enlarge the penis - it should only be carried out under the supervision of a professional and in the absence of contraindications, of which there are many for this procedure. Of course, some take the risk of using bee stings as a substitute for vascular techniques to increase penis size; however, this technique is quite traumatic and can cause not only damage to the penis, but also serious allergic reactions, including life-threatening ones - we are talking about Quincke's edema. In addition, it is worth remembering that the volume obtained during a bee sting will disappear along with the resorption of the poison, which will happen quite quickly.
For independent use, we advise you to pay attention to other products in this industry intended for oral administration.
Penis enlargement with Vaseline
From relatively harmless folk recipes - decoctions and compresses for penis enlargement, we move on to more radical, invasive methods. One of them is pumping Vaseline into the shaft of the penis to increase its parameters. This is a rather old and artisanal technique that has become widespread in prisons.
In addition to pain and other unpleasant sensations during the procedure itself, this method is considered dangerous from the point of view of complications. Medical experts strongly do not recommend injecting petroleum jelly under the skin to enlarge the penis.
The technology of this procedure is as follows:
- As far as possible, it is necessary to maintain sterility and disinfection conditions - thoroughly treat the instruments and the penis itself with antibacterial agents;
- Next, disposable syringes run out of about 20-30 cubes of Vaseline;
- Then, the phallus is pulled at the root using a tourniquet;
- Next, the drug is injected into the shaft of the penis; at the same time, it is necessary to distribute the substance as evenly as possible;
- After the procedure, the skin surfaces are treated with potassium permanganate.
As we have already noted, this procedure is considered dangerous and harmful to health - Vaseline is perceived by the body as a foreign body and is rejected, which contributes to the development of infection, tumors, allergic reactions, including Quincke's edema. We strongly do not recommend trying this option; Instead, we advise you to pay attention to manual techniques for stretching the tissues of the penis - for example, jelqing.
Laundry soap
Another folk remedy for penis enlargement is ordinary laundry soap. The essence of the method is that you need to thoroughly rub the genitals and the shaft of the penis with a bar of such soap, with the exception of the glans area. The resulting foam must be left for 20 minutes, and when it hardens, rinse it off with warm water. This procedure must be repeated 2-3 times a week.
By the way, on today's market there is a special soap for penis enlargement.
In general, using laundry soap to enlarge the penis seems to be a rather dubious method. Instead of these experiments, we advise you to purchase special external agents - for example, gels or sprays for penis enlargement.
Vietnamese balm
Vietnamese balm, available in the medicine cabinet of many citizens living in the post-Soviet space, is another popular method of penis enlargement. With its help you can speed up blood circulation; In addition, the balm will be an excellent additional tool when working with vascular techniques for penis enlargement.
It is necessary to apply the balm to the penis by mixing it with baby cream or body lotion - in a word, with some neutral moisturizer. For one serving of cream, a balm the size of a match head will be enough; try not to overdo it with the dosage - otherwise, you may get irritation of the skin surfaces.
Penis enlargement with soda
In addition to the recipe that we talked about above (soda in combination with honey), this multifunctional remedy, which can be found in almost any housewife, can work to increase the parameters of the penis on its own. Soda powder has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. As an added bonus, baking soda can also be used to whiten the skin, including the penis, in case you were wondering.

In order to increase the length and volume of the penis, you need to use soda as follows:
- The gauze or bandage must be moistened with water or weakly concentrated apple cider vinegar;
- Next, the fabric must be covered with soda on top and applied to the penis;
- The resulting compress must be wrapped in parchment paper and secured with an elastic bandage using adhesive tape or tape;
- Thus, it is necessary to keep the compress for 2 hours.
To achieve a pronounced effect, you need to complete a course of 10 similar procedures.
Leeches for penis enlargement
As you know, leeches stick to biologically active points of the body - the very ones that are exposed to needles during Chinese acupuncture techniques. This allows you to improve the functioning of blood vessels and increase blood flow to the genitals.
Some of the advanced users in the matter of penis enlargement use leeches in conjunction with wearing an extender. This technique is considered quite effective, increasing the tunica albuginea of the penile tissue. In addition, the use of leeches allows you to restore potency.
If you do not experience strong discomfort when thinking about such a popular method of penis enlargement, we recommend that you try it.
How to enlarge your penis: ways

We also talk about other methods of increasing the parameters of the penis, which are often used.
Exercise and training
Let's consider other methods of penis enlargement - manual, that is, performed with the help of hands. Some of them can also be classified as folk. The most popular and effective of these methods are:

- Stretching fabrics. This is a manual technique that requires only your hands. Its essence lies in stretching the tissues of the penis to the maximum possible length, which promotes further growth.
- Jelqing. Another stretching technique that allows you to increase both the length of the penis and its volume.
- Breathing techniques.These exercises allow you to saturate the tissues of the penis and genitals with oxygen. Breathing must be done completely, using not only the lungs, but also the stomach. Inhalations and exhalations should be deep. Similar breathing techniques can increase the effectiveness of other workouts.
Hanging loads
This is another traditional way to enlarge the penis. In a more artisanal version, a load weighing from 700 g to 2 kg is suspended from the penis; however, today you can purchase special hangers that simplify the task. We advise you to pay attention to the vacuum option.

As for directly hanging the load, beginners need to start with minimal weight, otherwise there is a high risk of injury and subsequent erection problems.
Magic methods
Of course, solving the issue of penis enlargement could not be done without the use of various conspiracies, magical rituals and other witchcraft methods. Such techniques, perhaps, can provide effective psychological support, but for real results in increasing the length of the penis, we advise you to turn to other, more down-to-earth methods.
Penis enlargement with a vacuum cleaner
One of the well-known, but at the same time, extremely dubious ways to enlarge the penis. A vacuum cleaner can be found in almost every apartment, which makes this technique easy to use. The principle of its operation resembles the use of a vacuum pump. However, this method is dangerous - the suction effect of the vacuum cleaner is difficult to control, so with a high probability you risk getting injuries, swelling and inflammatory processes.
Instead of such traumatic equipment, we recommend purchasing a specialized device - for example, a vacuum pump. It allows you to increase the length and volume of the penis due to the negative pressure created, which is easily controlled.

For some, psychological support when pursuing penis enlargement is of great importance. There are even special programs designed for a course lasting one month. Typically, such programs contain various audio and video files, by viewing which you can increase your self-confidence and set yourself up for successful correction of the parameters of the penis.
As a supporting technique when practicing, for example, manual techniques for penis enlargement, this method can be quite useful; at a minimum, such a psychological adjustment will not cause any harm to the body.
Old ways

We have already said that the issue of penis enlargement has worried representatives of the male half of humanity, perhaps at all times. Of the old methods that were popular in the 18th and 19th centuries, the following couple of techniques can be distinguished:
- Self-massage. The procedure involves performing stretching movements and is similar to modern manual techniques for stretching the tissues of the penis. It must be carried out on a well-warmed genital organ. This massage allows you not only to increase length, but is also healing and beneficial for the organs of the genitourinary system; allows you to strengthen potency and improve blood circulation, as well as prepare the tissue of the phallus for further enlargement.
- Stimulation of biologically active points. At its core, this technique is a massage in the Asian technique of shiatsu, applied to the genitals. The process is carried out using light touches that trigger blood circulation, which is undoubtedly important in the matter of penis enlargement.
Some of the traditional penis enlargement methods are indeed effective and can act as a good complementary method when used in conjunction with other workouts to increase the length and girth of the penis. However, you should beware of dubious and dangerous methods - otherwise, there is a risk of harm to health.