Many men dream of changing the size of their penis. The operation is too serious a step that can cause sad consequences. Therefore, the representatives of the stronger sex are interested in how to enlarge a penis at home, which method is the most effective.
Penis Enlargement Methods
Often the problem of a small penis is psychological in nature. It has long been known that the main thing is not size, but quality. Therefore, before you increase the penis at home yourself, you should make sure that there really is a problem.
There are several techniques that allow you to independently change the length and thickness of the penis. All of them are great for home use. These include:
- Pump, extender.
- Cosmetics and tablets.
- Massage.
- Self-hypnosis.
- Phytoimpact.
Don't expect instant results. In this case, regularity is important. The best effect can be achieved by a complex effect on the penis. For example, if you combine a spray with a massage. It is recommended to carefully study the chosen method before using it.
Vacuum pump and extender
Vacuum pump allows you to increase the length and thickness of the penis, as well as improve potency. It is a cylinder with a pump where the penis is placed. The pump pumps air out of the cylinder, due to pressure, the blood flow increases, the genital organ increases. The effect does not last long.
The extender is less popular than the vacuum pump. It makes the penis thicker, longer and gives it the correct shape by stretching the tissues of the penis. The result from the use of the extender will be quite long if you use the device every day.
There are other methods of penis lengthening at home by hanging different weights. The load is able to stretch the skin, making the organ longer, but it does not affect the thickness. This is a very dangerous procedure that can result in bodily injury.
Various attachments for manhood are also popular, which lengthen it, make it stronger, and improve potency. Nozzles delay ejaculation and prolong sexual intercourse.
Gels, ointments and tablets
Gels, creams and ointments for penis enlargement have conflicting reviews and an ambiguous effect. There is definitely a result from these drugs, but it is too short-lived. Cosmetic preparations are advised to be used together with a pump or extender.
Studies have not proven the effect of tablets and capsules. Many of them are dietary supplements and in large doses can harm the body. If we are talking about such stimulants as Viagra, then they improve potency, cause sexual desire, while an increase in male dignity occurs only due to an erection.
Self massage
There are various types of massage that are used to increase the male penis at home. When performing, it is advised to use special gels and creams, and immediately before the procedure, you need to warm yourself in a warm bath. This will improve blood flow in the pelvic organs, ensure the efficient functioning of the reproductive system. Do-it-yourself penis massage in a state of erection is considered the most effective.
Massage performs a number of useful functions:
- helps to lengthen the penis, make it thicker;
- enhances sexual desire;
- increases potency;
- makes the erection last longer.
The subtlety of this method lies in the correct technique and the exclusion of injuries. After all, manhood is a delicate and very sensitive organ that requires a careful attitude.
Especially popular is the Jelqing technique, which is aimed at penis enlargement. Movements during such a massage resemble milking a cow. Jelqing has its own principle of operation, which you need to familiarize yourself with before execution. Regular classes will allow you to see the result in 2-3 months.
Specialists take the psychological impact seriously. It is based on visualization, which is very powerful. It is necessary to make it a rule to constantly imagine a large organ. This helps to increase the level of hormones responsible for penis growth. This technique does not require much effort and time, and the result may well be effective.
And here you can not do without folk recipes. Penis growth can stimulate the use of special herbal teas. Their compositions are different. Herbs that give the best effect include:
- hawthorn;
- ginseng;
- tribulus;
- dubrovnik;
- St. John's wort.
Expert opinion
Doctors are sure that only surgeons can enlarge the penis. A complex and expensive operation is the introduction of adipose tissue under the skin of the organ. Such a dangerous method of penis enlargement gives a temporary effect, because the area of adipose tissue will resolve after a while. What then to say about other techniques that are performed without surgery. Their action is highly questionable.
Doctors advise not to poison the body with various drugs, but to love yourself and consider your dignity a real pride, regardless of size. If the problem really spoils life, you need to contact a specialist who will help you find a way out. Most likely, without the operation can not do.
List of ways to increase penis at home
Almost every third man secretly wants to enlarge the penis, although not everyone decides to take such a cardinal step. Today, experts have developed and offer many methods for enlarging the male penis, but the surgery method still has the highest efficiency rates. The operation has a number of disadvantages - high cost and risks.
Based on this, many men prefer to look for ways to enlarge a penis at home in various sources and on the Internet. The most important reasons for the desire to enlarge the penis are the dissatisfaction of the sexual partner, as well as the psychological problems of the man himself. But, before looking for such methods, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with generally accepted size standards, without the influence of stereotypes and unreasonable patterns.
Is it generally possible to enlarge a penis?
The first question that arises in many men is whether it is really possible to increase the size of the penis without surgery.

But before proceeding to clarify this issue, it is worthwhile to accurately determine your own sizes, compare them with physiological norms, in order to thereby assess the feasibility of penis enlargement.
At the moment, modern medicine and the knowledge of mankind suggest several ways to actually increase the penis. Namely:
- surgery, a costly and very risky step;
- extender, that is, a specialized device for penis lengthening;
- pump with a vacuum method of stretching the tissues of the penis;
- creams and sprays for home augmentation with a temporary effect;
- masturbation and massage, which warm up and stretch the tissues of the penis.
To achieve great results in home attempts and quickly increase the penis, you can resort to several methods at once. The combined approach in this case will only play into the hands of a man in his aspirations and desires.
How to enlarge a penis at home without surgery?
Despite the obvious skepticism about how you can enlarge a penis at home, most of the ardent skeptics are still trying to try the techniques on themselves. After all, only personal experience can be an accurate confirmation of whether such efforts work or are still a divorce. The main rule for achieving results is the systematic implementation strictly according to the recommendations.

Specialists have developed special exercises, the regular implementation of which leads to heating and stretching of the tissues of the penis, which means that you can increase the size of the penis at home.
- First, the skin of the penis needs to be warmed up for greater tissue elasticity. Salt heated in a frying pan is placed in a woven bag, after which it is applied to the penis.
- Next, you need to achieve an erection, but at the same time suspend sexual arousal halfway. To do this, a man will need a special lubricant.
- Next, a ring is made with two fingers of the hand, which closes at the base of the penis. Squeezing the ring tightly, it is carried out to the very head, as if trying to stretch the penis in length.
- Performing the exercise, you do not need to touch the head. First, about 40 stretches are performed, gradually increasing them up to 200 times.
This penis enlargement exercise is called jelqing or the doubling technique. As a result of this, the tissues of the penis are heated, which means they become pliable to stretching.

There is another method of painlessly and free of charge to increase the size of the penis at home. In addition to size, the potency of a man also increases significantly. Before massage exercises, the skin is first warmed up using lubricants. But the most effective is a soft towel and herbal decoction for a steam bath. The towel is moistened in a hot decoction, after which it is applied to the penis for a couple of minutes.
Further, the massage is carried out in two ways - massage in a relaxed state and during an erection. In this case, both methods involve stretching the tissues. With the help of the palms, the penis must be brought into an active state a little, after which, clasping it, as it were, pull it away from you, down and up. In addition, the penis can be rotated clockwise and counterclockwise alternately.
Special fixtures
In addition, you can increase the growth of the penis at home with the help of special devices. The modern market offers many products for such purposes, but the most effective pumps are considered to be a vacuum pump and a hydropump, as well as an extender.
- A vacuum pump is an apparatus for enhancing blood circulation and stretching the tissues of the penis, improving the elasticity of blood vessels and potency. Such a device includes a special pump, a flask, which work in tandem on the principle of negative pressure. After this, the cavernous bodies of the penis stretch and expand, under the rush of blood, the penis becomes larger.
- first, air is pumped out, as a result of which, under the influence of negative pressure, blood rushes to the penis;
- every day you need to use the device from 5 to 20 minutes;
- some discomfort may be felt during exercise.
- A hydropump is a copy of a vacuum pump, but the pressure in this case creates a liquid. In addition, such a pump has a mild effect, preventing injuries to the penis.
- warm water is drawn into the bathroom so that its level covers the man to the waist;
- in warm water you need to lie down for 5-10 minutes to warm up the genitals;
- then the pump is immersed under water, after which a penis must be inserted into it;
- place the pump evenly around the penis, supporting the scrotum before creating a vacuum effect;
- with the help of the device a vacuum is created, after which the man needs to relax;
- so that the vacuum does not relax, several pumping movements can be performed.
- An extender is an orthopedic device that is used at home to increase the penis. Such a device guarantees several positive changes at once:
- the ability to increase the thickness of the penis and its length;
- strengthening the hardness and strength of the penis during erection;
- increase in the duration of sexual intercourse up to 60%;
- improvement of the anatomical shape of the penis;
- the results obtained remain until the end of life.

If the use of a vacuum pump causes pain, such activities should be stopped or weakened. If, in parallel with the pump, special creams for penis enlargement are used, the result will not be long in coming.

With the help of such a device, it is possible to increase the length of the penis by improving the elasticity and firmness of tissues and blood vessels. In addition, with the help of such exercises, you can prevent and even eliminate erectile dysfunction.

The rules of application require wearing the extender at first a little, until the penis becomes accustomed to such loads. On average, you need to wear it from 4 to 6 hours, adjusting the length of the bars so that the man does not feel pain, but only a slight discomfort. If severe pain has been provoked, the wearing of the device is postponed for a while.
Sprays and gels
With the help of certain pharmaceuticals, you can increase the head of the penis and its size, if you choose the right drug. Every day, the pharmaceutical industry produces more and more funds for penis growth. But at the same time, it must be remembered that such remedies usually involve only a temporary effect, while they are applied to the skin of the genital organs as intended.
The most effective means for penis growth are those in which the active substance is ginger, ginseng, glycine or arginine. Usually, we are talking about special lubricants, creams and gels that are applied shortly before sexual intercourse. After that, the components penetrate into the bloodstream, increasing blood circulation, as well as warming up the tissues of the penis. The resulting effect lasts approximately 3 hours.
How important is size?
According to statistics, penis size is much more important for men themselves, while women do not value size, but the ability and ability to use it. From the point of view of anatomy and physiology, science has confirmed more than once that a normal male penis should be 12-18 cm long. And the man’s height, his weight category, physique and race play an important role here.
Not always a large penis is the pride of a man. As practice has shown, a large penis can give a woman during intercourse not a lot of pleasure, but, on the contrary, pain and discomfort. And the stereotypes that great manhood is a matter of pride and a sign of masculinity have long been dispelled.
Precautionary measures

Before resorting to penis enlargement techniques yourself, you should consult with a specialist in such matters. Most often, the desire for penis enlargement is unfounded, there are situations when they can cause harm. So, for example, special creams and gels for penis growth may suggest the presence of contraindications, which are important to consider before buying.
Exercise, massage and the use of special devices can cause injury to the penis if such techniques are used, deviating from the recommendations. Each technique should start small, gradually increasing the duration and intensity of application. And of course, do not forget to moisturize the skin of the penis, warm up the tissues before the procedures.
Sometimes it's enough just to strengthen the erection
To enlarge a male penis, sometimes a man just needs to achieve maximum erection. Due to the action of negative factors or due to sexual disorders, a small penis may be the result of a sluggish and insufficiently strong erection. Therefore, experts advise men to resort to the technique of penis enlargement and restoration of erection through masturbation.
First, a moisturizer is applied to the penis (you can use a cream for the growth of a male penis), then you can perform stroking warming movements with your hands. When the penis increases under the influence of an erection, it is necessary to perform up and down movements, as if stretching the skin of the penis. You can also lightly squeeze the penis near the head, which will only increase the flow of blood.

Folk remedies
Traditional medicine does not imply the presence of special recipes and means by which you can increase the size of the penis. But she has in her arsenal such means by which erectile function and potency can be improved. To do this, you can use special aphrodisiac herbs - ginseng, gingko biloba, thyme or hawthorn.
Useful for improving the quality of sexual intercourse will be a tincture of wild oats, a tincture of garlic, as well as a plant medicinal lungwort. Well, the most important favorite of folk remedies for the sexual sphere of a man is honey and walnut.